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Online Full Moon meditation 2023-24
Vedic Yoga team

we are happy to invite you for a free full moon meditation practice on every full moon day throughout the whole year. Here are the dates for the next full moon Meditation.

Upcoming Full Moon Meditation Dates

Year 2023- 2024

24 July, 22 Aug, 20 Sept, 20 Oct, 19 Nov, 19 Dec at 6:30 Am Berlin time

17 Jan, 16 Feb, 18 Mar, 16 Apr, 16 May, 14 Jun at 6:30 Am Berlin time

Full Moon Magic

Everything in life works in rhythms and polarities. Our heartbeat, and our breath, every day is a full cycle of activating and relaxing energies, male and female energies. The moon cycle impacts strongly the whole planet. The oceans, plants, all animals and also our inner workings are influenced by that energy. So, the moon’s energy also affects our emotions, our health, our own polarity. The moon represents the passive, calming energy. Recreation and rejuvenation, nurturing and healing. 

Meditation and the full moon

All pagan traditions knew about the power and the influence of the full moon on our mental states. During that auspicious time, all spiritual practices are more intense. States of inner peace and true wisdom are much easier to attain. The moon energy activates the passive and nurturing aspects of ourselves, the inspirational, creative powers inside us. Healing and intuition are accelerated and the right hemisphere of the brain becomes more active, leading us toward meditation. In the yogic tradition, full moon meditation is special, fuelling your spiritual growth. Meditation with the full moon is said to be 100 times stronger than regular practice.

What do you need?

  • Quiet place, with no disturbances
  • Firm-ground
  • An empty belly and bladder
  • Support to sit on

To establish the right sitting posture read our article.

How to join the practice?

To join, please email us and we will add you to the full moon skype group.

Let´s use this divine time to dwell deep within and create a field of light together. Let´s share our good energy with the whole world and every being on this beautiful planet.

Please come to the skype meeting for the guided online group meditation. Let’s take the sacred light into our beings.

Contact us – Email address:


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