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How to meditate – a step by step guidance

Meditation and the topic of mindfulness have become very popular these days. More and more people are interested in how to meditate and find peace within. Though there are so many different ways and methods to dwell deeper in the mind field, there are certain guidelines that should be observed when you want to establish a stable meditation practice.

Chose to meditate

In all spiritual traditions and religions methods to go inside exist. They are various and involve movements, chanting or silent sitting. But before you chose a method for yourself, first find the courage and determination to decide that you will meditate. A deep wish and a burning desire to peel off the layers of the mind that cover the self should be present and help you to go through your practice. 

Sitting meditation guidelines

The silent sitting meditation knows no limits. It is the most common way to meditate as you keep your nervous system calm and concentrate your awareness in a relaxed manner. As a limb of Ashtanga Yoga, you have to learn how to focus on a steady and calm mind first. Find the right sitting position for yourself so that your spine will be straight and your body relaxed. 

Preparation for traditional meditation

The place of meditation

When you start to meditate on a daily basis it is helpful to observe the circumstances as well. So best to choose a fixed time of the day too. Do the practice. Find a quiet place. In your home to sit for yourself. Chose a quiet time of the day when people are asleep or you are sure you can be undisturbed for some time. Switch off all electrical devices and silence the doorbell. Make sure you will not be disturbed for your time of practice. 

Clean yourself

Meditation is a sacred practice and you prepare yourself for meeting with your inner wisdom, meeting with god. So, you make yourself ready accordingly and clean your body before you sit. 

Empty your bowels

Empty your bowels beforehand so that you won´t be disturbed by movements in your belly. Do not eat or drink a lot before your practice. 

Stretch your body

Before you sit to do some stretching or some asana practice to smoothen out the muscles. Five to ten minutes should be enough.

As you find yourself prepared for your practice you can go on in a guided manner. Sit down in your chosen place at your time. And make yourself comfortable. As you sit you can go through the steps for meditation. 

7 steps for meditation

1.Relax the body completely

Go through a full-body relaxation sequence to lose tension in every region of your physical layer. 

2. Sit in a steady and comfortable position

Let there be no discomfort or shakiness in your sitting position. The spine is straight and the chest opens. The arms are relaxed. Try to remain here without movement. 

3. Breathe in a serene manner and calm the mind

Establish diaphragmatic breathing. Let the breath become deep, slow, soundless and uninterrupted. With constant observation let the mind and breath become more relaxed and serene. 

4. Use internal Mantra recitation and lengthen the breath

Repeat your personal or a universal Mantra in your mind. Don´t let your mind wander off that practice and harmonize the mantra with the flow of your breath. 

5. Witness the movements of your mind and remain calm

Don´t get involved in the objects of your mind, just observe and remain untouched by it.

6. Discriminate your thoughts

Understand which thoughts benefit your spiritual growth and learn to think those thoughts. Abandon the negative thoughts that hinder you from your practice. 

7. Go beyond concentration

Drop deeper into yourself. You enter a state which is beyond the concentration that you developed. 

With daily meditation practice, you will step by step enter deeper states of reality, find inner wisdom and healing. These states of mind are called meditation.


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