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10 Things You’ll Never Forget from your Yoga Teacher Training
Vedic Yoga team

Your heart has spoken. The time has come. You are going to join a yoga teacher training course at the location of your choice. Whether you wish to deepen your practice, learn pedagogy, or become a yoga professional, yoga teacher training entered your life for a reason. Divine design is already in motion and you can feel it rising inside of you. If you think you’re excited now, wait until you arrive at your dream yoga teacher training destination. You will never regret your decision and the memories you make will last you a lifetime. 

The confidence you build

Increased confidence is the number one response students give for what they gained from the yoga teacher training experience. From a biological or philosophical perspective, students don’t only gain the weather of knowledge, but they put these concepts into practice. Through conversations with gurus, students, and locals, students learn about the yoga way of life while broadening life experiences at the same time. 

The bonds you form

Gurus open their hearts. Students become best friends and families. You will become vulnerable as others become vulnerable with you. After all, each one of you is going through a similar experience and the way we often the bond is through shared experiences. Not all of the bonds will last a lifetime, but they are strong enough to push you through the coursework. Those that stand the test of time are ordained, powerful enough to withstand distance and time apart. 

The knowledge you gain

It goes without saying that knowledge abounds at a yoga teacher training course. So much more than asana, the course will prepare you not just to become a teacher or yogi, but to become a better human being. The study is intense. And the knowledge is just the beginning of your journey. What you gain at the yoga teacher training is a stepping stone should you let it be. 

The place you lived

Yoga teacher trainings are located all around the world which means you have the chance to pick your dream location. You will be completely immersed in the culture and before you know it, the yoga teacher training school will feel like home and all the people around you will become family. 

The experiences you have

There is no shortage of experiences you can have. Depending on the country, this varies, but the foundation of each experience is about growth. You will try new things that you never imagined. Pushing into and beyond fears, you will become a new person as a result. That alone is worth the yoga teacher training experience. 

The body you earn

The asanas alone will not change your body. The entire experience will. You will begin to look at nourishment differently. Your tastes will change. Your habits will become stable. And your practice will deepen. While the outcome could be a leaner, stronger body, the body you gain is not about aesthetics, rather it’s about removing traumas, habits, pain, attachments and inviting natural healing. 

The energy you absorb

You will become powerful. The practice of yoga is predicated on empowering the triad of mind, body, and spirit. In surrounding yourself around yoga experts in a serene environment, you open up energy channels. And because you are open to the entire experience, you absorb much more than just a yoga teacher training course, you absorb a tradition. 

The energy you transmit 

When you finish your yoga teacher training course, you will be charged. It will show on your face and ooze out of your pores. Get ready for people to notice. You will become a touchstone for change, an inspiration for following dreams, and a hero for those who need one. You will shine like never before. This will solidify your yogic purpose. 

The purpose you create 

In seeking that which was seeking you, the universe shifts. You are working with altering the vibrational force of the universe through yoga. The yoga teacher training instilled a healing mission in you. Healing will take place within you, but you will become a source for others who witness you in action. Life will become a journey into compassion and love and you will be forever grateful for your yoga teacher training experience. 

The peace you find

Yoga is peace. The ultimate goal isn’t just enlightenment, but also bliss, unity, Seva, sadhana, and samadhi. Daily yoga practice will follow you wherever you go. Personal alchemy has taken pain and suffering into a world of healing. You will be blessed and you will want to bless others. The drive to share your blessings means you’ve reached a certain level of peace. From there, you can increase awareness and stillness for a true yoga life. And you will have your yoga teacher training to thank for it. 


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