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Yoga Science of Nadis (Energy Channels)

In Yoga, we do not only work with our physical body through Asanas and breathing techniques. We use the body to affect inner processes (energy in nadis) in the wished for the manner and expand our awareness.

The Pranic body, also called the astral body, is an energy body that functions as a translator between the mind and the physical body. Nadis, energy channels, is part of the pranic body and run through our system. They have crossroads and junctions and bring information and energy from one point to another. They run alongside the visible nervous system and spread out into many finer channels that reach to every little space in our physical body. Although you cannot see them with a microscope, you can feel their activity and learn to control the flow of energy through them.

Nadis carry subtle information

In the yogic tradition, we speak of 72 000 Nadis. They are set up in a hierarchy. Similar to nerves, there are a few main channels and many more delicate ones. The main channel, the Sushumna, is in the middle of our body, runs through the spine and the first 6 Chakras are located there. Read more about chakras here. The Sushumna is the connection between the earth, our roots and material life, and heaven, our higher awareness and our spiritual existence. It rules over mental and physical functions. The two Nadis, Ida and Pingala, running alongside the Shushumna activate our female and male aspects. They orchestrate regenerative inner processes, as well as output and physical action. They work together with the autonomous nervous system and help us adapt to different situations. Read here how the autonomous NS and the Nadis work together.

Ida Nadi

Ida Nadi runs along our left side of the spine and represents the lunar energies in us. It rules over the left side of the body and our right hemisphere. More about the brain you can read here. Regeneration and intuition are activated via Ida, receiving and healing. This Nadi is active when we´re calm and relaxed when we charge ourselves and are creative. It´s more prominent during the night when we heal and recover.

Pingala Nadi

Pingala Nadi runs along the right side of the Sushumna. It activates the right side of our body and the left hemisphere of the brain. When Pingala Nadi is active we´re ready for physical activity and can react quickly. When we build something and make things real Pingala supports us in that. The Nadis correspond with our hemispheres in the brain and rule over our logic as well as emotions. A balanced Nadi system brings intuition and knowledge together and unfolds the full active and regenerative potential. In traditional Yoga, we bring those two aspects into harmony and allow our body and mind to self-regulate and heal imbalances. Read more about the healing effects of Yoga practice.

Explore our Pranayama teacher training in India and Nepal to deeper into the practice of yogic breathing.


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