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Yogic relaxation techniques
Vedic Yoga team

Here are a few Yogic relaxations techniques to practice every day. You can practice these methods any time of day to relax and rejuvenate. Yogic relaxation has immense benefits to keep order in everyday life.

1. Crocodile Relaxation (Makar Asana)

You start with lying on your stomach, place your legs comfortably distance apart and keeping the toes inward. Bring your arms over the head fold them in front of the body, resting the hands on each other. Place the arms in a way that the chest does not touch the ground. Now you should place the forehead on the forearms.

This Makarasana posture allows you to establish diaphragmatic breathing. You may use a clean cloth beneath the nose to keep away from the dust of the yoga mat. As you lie on the Mat, observe your breathing. Let the breath become deep and calm. As you inhale feel the abdominal muscles gently press against the floor. while exhaling, feel the muscles contract back in. Allow the body to relax completely. Keep on breathing and enjoy peace of mind.

2. Corpse Pose Relaxation (Shava Asana)

After the Crocodile posture please turn over on your back in Shavasana. Keep on breathing freely and smoothly. Exhaling fatigue from your body. Inhale the vitality of prana. The arms and legs are a comfortable distance apart. keep your palms up and fingers curling. You can use the thin cushion under the neck.

If sleep comes please allow yourself to sleep. It is because the mind is very tired and needs sleep.

3. Baal Asana (Child Pose)

Child pose is also one asana that helps the body to relax and rejuvenate. You can start with sitting on the floor. Bend your knees and bring your upper body down to your thigh and bring your legs a little out so your stomach has enough space to breathe. Let your sitting bones rest on your heels. keep breathing slowly. Baal Asana helps the body to rejuvenate and heal.

Healing through relaxation

Traditionally, yoga’s power to bring deliverance from pain and sorrow comes as the student learns to work with his or her senses and intellect. While the practices of yoga, as codified by the Indian master Patanjali centuries ago, classically begin with ethics and self-purification, the patients can benefit from the above asanas themselves. These poses are designed to exercise every muscle, nerve, and gland in the body. Refined over centuries, the postures precisely address the tension and holding. So, when the tension is released, energy can flow more easily in the body and allow patients to experience a sense of well-being and strength—a balance of body, mind and spirit.

Since patients are typically in bed, the focus of this lesson is spine strengthening. Through gentle yoga stretches and relaxation, the mind will be more uplifted by lengthening the spine. Similarly, a sense of well-being is promoted by injecting a positive perspective into the individuals. Yoga also provides patients a constant positive vibe and a feeling of renewed empowerment and control in their lives. By doing yoga, they are making an active choice to free their minds from stress, however, briefly. 

Relax and enjoy Yogic relaxation.


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