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When are you ready to Practice Yoga?
Kishor Rathod

People think that to do Yoga Teacher Training, one needs to practice Yoga for years. One of our students wrote this blog to answer that.

After practicing Yoga for over a year, one day my Yoga teacher told me that I should think about deepening my practice. Suddenly a thought crossed my mind, Maybe I am ready to take a Yoga teacher training. But I am not sure about it yet. Well, my mind constantly wonders about being at traditional Yoga School somewhere in the Himalayas and learning Yoga from experienced yogis. I have bought even books about the life of Himalayan yogis. Often, I find myself looking for Yoga school’s website and reading the bio of Yoga teachers. Working through fears and confusion I seriously start to dig deeper. Now I have become sure yes, I want to do it. Here are my experience and research on how to overcome the fears and go for it.

Your experience doesn’t matter to sign up for the Yoga teacher training

To Practice Yoga, in your Yoga Teacher Training, you don’t have to do crazy yoga posses right away. You don’t have to have years of yoga experience to join the training. We came to learn about yoga if we would have been already teachers, why we would join it anyway. We start the training by learning the basics and fundamentals. You don’t have to do intense backbends and learn to stand on your head. Yoga teaches us how to stand on our feet first.

You don’t have to be fearful of teacher’s judgment

Above all, Yoga is not a gymnastics playground where everybody is competing and trying to be better than each other. Yoga is about being aware of yourself. Learn about your own body and its limitation. Start from where you are now. Our teachers kept reminded us in almost every class, not to go beyond than our body can take. Watch your breath flow. If the breath gets disturbed in asana practice that means you have beyond your capacity. It is not just philosophy. This is what I really learned during my Yoga intensive teacher training. First time in my life we did yoga in such a way. The most amazing thing we experienced during our teacher training was the love and acceptance of our teachers towards each and every student. I used to wonder how come these people are so patient and peaceful in each class.

You don’t have to become a master Yoga teacher right after the training

During the course introduction, teachers told us that there would be teaching practical exam at the end of the training. It made all of us nervous and scared. Right after we were told not to worry at all about it. We all are the student of yoga and we are going to learn together. There was no criticism of a good teacher or bad teaching. We all did our best in our first yoga class. Teachers appreciated each one of us for our dedication towards learning. We don’t have to master Yoga teachers and open up our Yoga studio. The Yoga teacher training is the first step towards becoming teachers. We have time for our practice and digesting the knowledge we received during the course.

Right now, is the best time to do it.

If you are still wondering if it is the right time to do the Yoga teacher training, Yes, it is. Don’t give up on your dreams. Do what makes you feel happy. I wish you a great transformational journey on a yoga path. Hope you enjoy every moment of Yoga training.

I can recommend to you the yoga school where does my training happened to be. Here are details of my Yoga teacher training in Nepal Himalayas.



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