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Vinyasa Yoga and its benefits
Vedic Yoga team

Vinyasa Yoga focuses on the flow of your body & breadth when you are transiting between one yoga posture to another. Vinyasa can be great support before you start to hold an Asana. This article covers Vinyasa Yoga in depth.

Vinyasa Yoga

In modern Vinyasa Yoga, the practitioner moves from one Asana to another in a flow. The breath is guiding the movement and never stops.

Meaning of Vinyasa

The Sanskrit word Vinyasa means arrangement and consists of two words. While Nyasa means to arrange, set or place, vi means in a certain way. It describes how you move from one to another Asana in a certain pattern.

Benefits of Vinyasa yoga

In Vinyasa, you move through a set of Asanas from one posture transitioning into another. Your movements are aligned with your breath and flow with it. It creates strong breath awareness and inner mental focus. You follow your own rhythm gliding into and out of one position to the other training and strengthening your cardiovascular system. A typical and well-known sequence of Vinyasa is the Suriya Namaskar, the sun salutation. 

As you repeat a certain sequence, again and again, you can set your concentration more on the breathing and get into a moving meditation.  With deep breathing and sensing the different energy flows in the Asanas you can pierce the meaning of the positions and find deep relaxation in them.

The Prana flows freely with your breath and supports you in your physical movement. Your mind and you’re your body increase in flexibility. And your mind calms down, ready for meditation.

To learn more about the traditional way to practice Vinyasa Yoga check out our Yoga Teacher Trainings and Workshops in Nepal Himalayas, India, and Europe.


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