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How Yoga teacher training transformed my life
Kishor Rathod

A student shared her Yoga transformation journey of undergoing 200 hours Yoga Teacher training at Vedic Yoga Academy

Last year in January, I walked out of my job in a heightened state of anxiety and distress. My heart was pounding, my mind was exploding, my breath was ragged and my body felt like it was shutting down. I felt totally overwhelmed and I could not contain the emotional overload that I was experiencing. I was angry, hurt, sad, distressed, frustrated- mentally and emotionally out of control, with no tolerance or resilience left. As my life was collapsing, that tiny voice that I had not heeded broke through and whispered lovingly, “Enough darling! You need to make the changes that I’ve been telling you to make. We’ve got great ideas and a great future ahead. It’s time to discard the past and so do it… do it now… it’s ok…it will be ok.”

Looking back, now I can relate to what I have learned in Yoga philosophy at Vedic Yoga Academy. This breakdown was all happening at the first three levels of the Pancha Koshas. These layers were so disturbed that they were not permitting the higher Koshas to function effectively. I did not understand this at that time. Now, in retrospect, I am thinking, how simple and beautiful the solutions to burnout and breakdown really are.

Wisdom and well-being within

When we learn and engage with a system that has integrity, layers of wisdom and thousands of years of validation behind it, will awaken. The body can and will recover. This system is Yoga. I knew that the answers to escaping from my breakdown or rather, honouring my awakening, lay in a Yoga teacher training course. And one specific course kept jumping out at me on my Google search. Rather than looking at the diagnosis of acute stress, clinical depression and ECGs to determine if my heart could handle the bottle of anti-depressant pills and sleeping tablets that doctors wanted to prescribe.

First steps on the path of light

From the first night of meeting my Yoga teachers Rahul and Elli at Vedic Yoga academy, I felt comforted and safe. Even when attempting to express a lifetime of some tough experiences and the struggles I was facing in Yoga school.  At last, it was ok to talk about the real issues in what felt like a loving and supportive environment. We held the real solutions. “It’s not complicated but it is difficult” Elli had said… yes but only in the hands of very capable and knowledgeable teachers. I truly felt that this was where my healing could happen. I was so relieved and ready for it…. or so I thought!!

On day two I woke up to a full twelve hours of diarrhea, vomiting and a pounding headache, where I could barely lift my head off the bed. My teachers were there to reassure me that this was ok, that it happens and that it was “not surprising”. My body was eliminating the first of many layers of toxic and emotional overload.

In recovery, diet and water must be healthy and free of toxins. In combination with a program of Pranayama, Nadi shodhanam, joints and glands, Hatha Yoga and holistic anatomy and wellbeing, true healing can take place. This, however, is incomplete without a solid philosophical foundation. Science, psychology, and spirituality must play a part and this is exactly what I got from my gifted teachers at Vedic Yoga Academy. Yoga again offers all of the above.

The healing power of Yoga

The next three weeks of Yoga transformation journey at Vedic Yoga Academy were powerfully intense and well-structured. This Yoga teacher training program was, to me, more about self-discovery and self-renewal than about teaching Yoga. I placed my full trust in my two teachers. I realized around the end of week two that by reconstituting our minds, our bodies and entire beings (within the context of being an integrated part of a complete universal oneness) we would equip ourselves to address all the challenges that we confronted. Yoga again, in its beautiful entirety, has all the answers and brilliant teachers can make it accessible to everyone.

I could write a book about the details of my 200-hour YTT experiences, but don’t want to make it too lengthy.

My Yoga transformation journey at Vedic Yoga Academy, I met these two Yoga masters, – Rahul Ji and Elli. I can only say that you have truly saved my life. You guided me onto and along a path that I have been searching for, for a very long time. Words are at this stage limiting and ineffective. My blessings and positive energy will be with you always.

– A beloved student of Yoga

To learn more about 200 Hour Teacher training Program in Nepal , click here


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