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Understanding meditation: A user guide
Vedic Yoga team

You may have decided to give meditation a chance. There is a probability that because of this very decision you landed on this blog. But, where to begin? How to start? What are the basics which you should know? How would you know that you are doing things right? How would you know that the feel is right? What you should expect out of it? These are all relevant questions and with the help of this blog, we will try to help you with all the answers.

Why people find Meditation difficult?

If you are trying meditation for the first time, you may find that sitting in a corner, quietly looking into your own thoughts – is a futile effort, or a waste of time, where you are doing nothing productive. But if you are persistent, then you will realize that your own mind is resisting this very action of yours – as if the mind is not okay to be at peace with itself, and it has a desire to fuel in thoughts into itself & act on them.

Some people find it very daunting to meditate because the mind is resting so hard that it fuels in a lot of negative energies which you are not ok with. If you feel that this is you, then you should remember why you started to meditate? Is it because you wanted to be at ease with yourself or you wanted to react less to all the worldly affairs that are happening around you, or maybe you wanted to focus more on your actions and be less distracted, or you wanted to improve upon your relationships. Whatever your reason might be, remember that training your mind means to train it to be aware and where there is awareness, there is a huge potential to transform the life from where it currently is.

This fact makes Meditation potent

All this is true because of a simple fact that all our life experiences are stored in mind as memories. They influence our behavior on the basis of good and bad memories. If you train your mind, you are basically training your memory bank and that, in retrospect, shapes your life.


  • It helps in lowering blood pressure
  • Meditation improves blood circulation
  • It helps in lowering heart rate
  • You are less anxious & get more feelings of well-being
  • You garner less stress
  • Meditation helps you with deeper relaxation

Tips to become a good meditator

  • Start with 5 minutes: All you have to do is to sit for 5 minutes and meditate. Seems easy right? Do this for 7 days and once you are okay with 5 minutes, then you can increase the time limit.
  • Meditate with empty mind: Usually people meditate in the morning because at that time, it is not filled with the to-do lists, or the tasks of the day.
  • Stop worrying about how to do it and just do it: Many of us are worried about how to sit, where to sit, what cushion to use and in a snap, the mind is wondering off. You should be comfortable while meditating and that’s the bottom line. If you are comfortable on the ground, then you should meditate on the ground. If you are comfortable meditating on a chair, then by all means please do use a chair. Keep a focus on the end goal which is to meditate for 5 minutes and do nothing else.
  • Start Meditation by focusing on your breath: An easy way to start meditation is to focus on your breath. This helps your mind not to disperse and be attentive to the air which you are inhaling and exhaling.
  • Treat yourself nicely: Whenever mind starts to wander while meditating, many of us become very harsh on ourselves. In order to get the focus back you need to understand that meditation does not come with a stick. If your mind wanders, it’s okay,  bring it back but don’t be very hard on yourself. If you are kind with yourself you will find that meditation will come naturally to you. Being hard on yourself you will find that you are exhausted once you’re done with your 5 minutes morning meditation.
  • Enjoy the journey: Meditation is like a long road trip which gives you life experiences with some teachings en-route. If you are worried in the start of a journey about what might go wrong, then you would never enjoy the trip. If you are looking forward to the experiences which are waiting for you, then the trip becomes worthwhile.  The same is true with meditation too. Stop worrying about clearing your mind or if you are on the right track. Close your eyes and enjoy the experience.

What we offer?

At Vedic Yoga Academy, we help students with how to meditate. We offer Meditation Teacher trainings, Meditation retreats and Workshops. All our centers are in a calm and peaceful environment for you to find peace.


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