Yoga postures & breathing exercises help bring peace to the mind and body
The fundamentals of Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga has become the way of Yoga most people start off with. Yet there is only a little understanding of what this deep practice of Yoga really means and how to approach it. So, let´s shine a light on the background and origin of this Yoga Practice:
Meaning of Hatha
The meaning of Hatha in Sanskrit is often translated as force or power, yet this word is made up of two words. Ha, meaning the solar energy and fire and Tha meaning moon energy. The word describes already what the purpose of Hatha Yoga is: balancing your Solar and Lunar energies, your male and female attributes in your body and your mind. The goal is to become a wholesome being, in harmony and without any disturbances.
With balancing your active and passive energies in your body you bring yourself into a healthy equilibrium. Your vegetative nervous system and your biorhythm harmonize and any stress related diseases will dissipate. It cleans your body and mind from tensions and toxins and sets free unknown powers of a wholesome person.
In Hatha Yoga Pradipika Yoga Asanas and Pranayama are discussed in relation to Hatha Yoga. It states how to attain a Yoga Posture and how to hold it in a stable and comfortable way. Asanas activate the energy centers in our bodies and channelize the flow of Prana (life force) through our Nadis (energy channels). They activate your Chakras (energy centers) and shift the flow of energy..
Breathing techniques are a crucial part of Hatha Yoga practice. With those exercises you learn how to control the mind with your breath. Even more you learn how to focus on the flow of Prana and clean your Nadis. It´s also a preparatory step for Meditation, the ultimate goal of Yoga practice.
Bandhas, Mudras and Kundalini awakening
Bandhas are energy locks you use to let the Prana flow into the wished for direction. While they are part of Hatha Yoga practice they are applied during Asana as well as during Pranayama practice.
Similarly Mudras help the subtle energy to flow and activate certain regions in your body and your brain. Mudras are applied in the whole body, in the hands, the tongue or the eyes.
All practices are in the service of awakening the Kundalini, the infinite power residing in every one of us.
In modern times most people think of Hatha Yoga as physical exercise. Beacuse of that people end up only moving their bodies while their mind remains uneducated and unbalanced. First of all our physical movements originate in the mind and should reflect the meditative state of the practitioner. An Asana becomes worship, a divine and sacred action filled with awareness and meaning.
How to approach
To approach Hatha Yoga in its true form you cannot only move the body. Finally the mind needs to be clean and focused on the practice. Therefore, mental and physical hygiene are vital points as well as healthy nutrition and a sound biorhythm.
The practice does not end when you leave your Yoga mat.
It goes on every moment in your life, in every action. As your actions are full with breath awareness and mindfulness you become an observer of yourself. As a result you exert a yogic lifestyle in thoughts, speech and deeds alike.
To learn more about the traditional way to practice Hatha Yoga check out our Hatha Yoga Teacher Trainings and Workshops in Nepal Himalayas, India, and Europe.