
Authentic Meditation Yoga teacher training courses at Vedic Yoga Academy

Meditation & Yoga

Yoga is the ancient art & science of self transformation. Yoga provides the practical tools for complete understanding into human nature and bring personal growth. Meditation Yoga teacher training helps you to be the effortless person by removing all the mental and physical obstacles from your life.
Find your true potential and access the infinite wisdom inside yourself at Vedic Yoga Academy.

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Stories from Vedic Yoga Students

Meditation Yoga teacher training reviews

This place is an absolute delight. The Yoga teachers are so learned and so humble that you start to get inspirations from them for how to live the Yogic Life. I took the 300 hour Yoga teacher training...
Could not wish for a better place to close my year than in a lovely place like Vedic Yoga Academy at Nepal. I took a private room for myself with private garden and terrace access with a lovely lake view....
I enjoyed my stay for 4 weeks at Vedic Yoga Academy very much. Since I was looking for a serene and comfortable place in high mountains where I can be on my very own and also learn about a native comm...
I'm so gutted to be leaving Vedic Yoga Academy after completing my 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training. The location is perfect for attaining inner peace and the location is filled with positive vibes and...
This is my second visit to Vedic Yoga Academy to undergo 500 Hours Teacher Training and I absolutely love it! They have accommodations to suit all budgets, from dorm style lodging to private rooms wit...
Although it has been a few months since my training at Vedic Yoga Academy in Rishikesh, the experience is still fresh in my mind. During the month long training, I received only warmth and kindness fr...
We arrived at Delhi Airport, tired and jet lagged in the early hours of Sunday morning, but thanks to Vedic Yoga Academy efficient service, a taxi was waiting and within 3 hours, we were at the Yoga s...
My heart is still so full of my time at Vedic Yoga Academy. The essence of the place is truly in the name, I felt so at home. I completed my 500 Hour Teacher Training in November and felt truly cared ...
It is truly a homely experience with lots of love, gratitude and a safe environment which makes one feel comfortable. I took my 500 hours Teacher Training from Vedic Yoga Academy and I am happy to sha...
I did the 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training course and loved it! There were so many interesting aspects to it from the meditation and breathing techniques, the theory meaning and origins of Yoga, plus Y...
I Can't believe it’s been nearly a month already now. Wow! What a great experience. My boyfriend and I both went through the 200 hour teacher trainer program. Rahul is an amazing Yogi. Every morning...
My 200 hours Yoga teacher training at Vedic Yoga Academy has been life changing! I instantly felt comfortable in the higher Himalayas with stunning views from the retreat center. Our teachers were ful...
I was among the lucky few who had the fantastic opportunity to participate in this meditation teacher training. It was a truly transformational experience and my first step in becoming a real yogi. Th...
Vedic Yoga Academy brings all that they promise and more. Learning under the course founder and teacher, Rahul, has equipped me with knowledge and skills that now I embody throughout my daily life and ..
I wasn’t new to yoga before going on YTT in Nepal, but my goal was not to become a yoga teacher…I have to admit, I went to Nepal with a lot of attitude, reservations, fear and doubt... but I’ll n..
Namasté, everyone!I came to India/Rishikesh the first time in March this year and did a 200h Yoga Teacher Training, where I met Rahul. This time and especially he as a dedicated teacher and beautiful...
Thank you from all heart ! I had a beautiful life changing experience for that one month yoga teaching training course in Pokhara , like many of my classmates did I believe so .Its rare and beautiful....
all welcome! I really want to write about the teacher of philosophy and meditation Rahula. for me, this man discovered not only the world of yoga, but also my world, which I gradually lost in bitterne...
I met Rahul when doing my teacher training, before he started Vedic Yoga Academy. He is a beautiful soul and truly teaches from his heart. Although I haven’t had a chance to visit this school yet,.....
It’s rare to come across a teacher who shares strait from their heart, from a place of pure love and acceptance. Rahul is this teacher. His wisdom, as a result of devotion to his own practice, is ref..
Learning about the traditional philosophy of yoga and meditation with these teachers was an amazing experience. I learned so much about self-awareness and tuning into the inner-self. It was so much mo...
The course I did here changed my life. I didn’t have any expectations. I just decided that I wanted to follow the 200 hours and see where it would lead me afterwards. I didn’t realize how fulfilli...
In 2015 already, I had the opportunity receive teaching from Rahul and I was thoroughly impressed by his knowledge and ability to tune into and guide people. Rahul has great wisdom and depth. I know h...
It was an incredible journey and I was surprised how great yoga science is. I miss everything ... the common mood in the day with Hatha and Pranayama, the interesting Philosophyclasses, Vinyasa and th...

Upcoming programs

Save your dates to join us in a rediscovering journey at Vedic Yoga Academy

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200 Hour Yoga Training Nepal

October 05 - 28, 2024
November 05 - 28, 2024

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Online Pranayama Course

Every month 
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr

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Yoga Meditation Retreat Germany

Every month
May, July, Aug, Sep 


Become a Yoga teacher, share your knowledge, make the world healthy and happy



200 Hour Yoga
Teacher Training

Discover yourself and learn about traditional Yoga with our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training


300 HOUR

The course is designed to take your meditation and teaching skills to next level




Teacher training

Learn how to calm the mind and find the peace inside yourself


What do we teach?

  • What is classical Hatha Yoga?
  • Sun and moon energy flow
  • What is Asana?
  • Asana and emotions
  • Asana with breath
  • Posture awareness
  • Sequence of Asanas
  • Core principles of hatha Yoga practice
  • Benefits of Asana
  • Traditional sun salutation
  • Standing pose
  • Sitting pose
  • Kneeling pose
  • Backward bending pose
  • Forward bending pose
  • Twisting pose
  • Core pose
  • Inverted pose
  • Relaxation pose
  • Meditative pose

  • What is Vinyasa Yoga?
  • Prepration for Vinyasa
  • Dynamic Sun salutation
  • Vinyasa Series-1
  • Vinyasa Series-2
  • Sukshma vyayam (preparatory movements )
  • Pavan muktasana series
  • Structuring and sequencing of postures

  • What is Pranayama?
  • What is Prana?
  • What are Nadis?
  • Psychological effect of yogic breathing
  • Importance of diaphragmatic breathing
  • Benefits of Pranayama
  • Brahmari pranayama
  • Ujjai Pranayama
  • Sheetali Pranayama
  • Nadi shodhanam
  • Kapalbhati
  • Bhastrika Pranayama

  • How to sit for Meditation
  • How to breathe for Meditation
  • Movement Meditation
  • Chakra Meditation
  • Kundalini Meditation
  • Mantra Meditation
  • Breathing awareness Meditation
  • Energy Meditation
  • Personal Meditation practice
  • Advanced techniques of Meditation
  • Silent Meditation

  • Introduction of Yoga, origin and its history
  • Principles of Yoga
    Introduction to Bhagavad Gita
  • Introduction to Patanjali Yogasutra
  • Introduction to Hatha Yoga Pradipika
  • What is Karma Yoga?
  • What is Bhakti Yoga?
  • What is Jnana Yoga?
  • What is Raja Yoga?
  • What is yama and niyama?
  • Pancha Koshas: The 5 sheaths of existence
  • What is the mind?
  • Foundational pillars of life
  • Pancha Kleshas (five sources of pain and suffering)
  • Yogic self-transformation and development
  • What are the Gunas?

  • What is Kundalini?
  • Kundalini awakening
  • Symptoms of Kundalini rising
  • Manifestation of Kundalini energy
  • What are Chakras?
  • Muladhara Root Chakra
  • Svadhisthana Sacral Chakra
  • Manipura Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Anahata Heart Chakra
  • Vishuddha Throat Chakra
  • Ajna Third eye Chakra
  • Sahaswara Crown Chakra 
  • Physical and Psychological effects of Chakras
  • Chakra balancing
  • Chakras and emotional healing
  • Subtle body

  • What is the meaning of Mantra?
  • What is Nada Yoga?
  • How to chant Mantras?
  • How to create positive vibrations with Mantra?
  • Healing Mantras
  • Gayatrai Mantra
  • Guru mantra
  • Ganasha Mantra
  • Mahamrityunjaya Mantra
  • Peace shanti Mantra
  • Omkar Mantra
  • Bija Mantra
  • Inner sound and vibration
  • Sound Healing

  • What is Yoga Nidra?
  • Shavasana practice
  • Excise without movement
  • Relaxation by first tensing and relaxing each body part
  • Simple relaxation
  • Subtler relaxations
  • 31 points practice
  • 61 points practice
  • Yoga Nidra 1
  • Yoga Nidra 2
  • Yoga Nidra for insomnia and sleep deprivation
  • Four states of consciousness
  • Meaning of dreams
  • Yoga for deep sleep
  • Yoga Nidra benefits

  • Yogic Mudras for stress
  • Internal Mudras
  • Hand Mudras
  • Healing Mudras for the physical body
  • Pranic gestures for awakening energy
  • Bandha locks for energy flow
  • Mula Bandha - Importance of root lock
  • Uddiyana Bandha
  • Jalandhara Bandha
  • Maha Bandha

  • Deeper connection with your inner-self
  • Deep soul cleansing
  • Inner strength
  • Inner guidance
  • Inner peace
  • Self-discovery
  • Self-Healing
  • Self-awareness
  • Mental and emotional blocks
  • Spiritual reality
  • Chakra cleansing
  • Astral projection
  • Self-purification
  • Self-development
  • Spiritual relationship

  • Jala Neti
  • Sutra Neti
  • Stomach Cleansing
  • Body Detoxification
  • Silence Practice
  • Fasting

  • What is Ayurveda?
  • Ayurveda benefits
  • Health and Ayurveda
  • Vata
  • Pitta
  • Kapha
  • Ayurvedic Food
  • Ayurvedic healing
  • Yoga and Ayurveda

  • Benefits of Yoga
  • Yoga therapy counselling
  • Yoga as therapy
  • Yoga therapy for common problems
  • Yoga for back pain
  • Yoga for joint pain
  • Yoga for insomnia
  • Yoga for shoulder pain
  • Yoga for constipation
  • Yoga for menstruation
  • Yoga for concentration
  • Yoga for depression
  • Yoga for digestion
  • Yoga for eyes
  • Yoga for flexibility
  • Yoga for health
  • Yoga for daily life
  • Yoga for children
  • Yoga for Stress
  • Yoga for women
  • Yoga for beginners

Upcoming Events

Ayurveda Detox Retreat In India

Across the Year- 7, 10, 14 days

Rishikesh, India


Meditation Retreat In Germany

Across the Year- 6, 10, 14 days from



Apr 05 - Apr 28, 2023

Pokhara, Nepal


Himalayan Yoga Retreat In Nepal

Sep, Oct, Nov

Pokhara, Nepal


300 Hour Meditation TTC In Germany

June, July, Aug, Sep




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Sandeep is a Yoga teacher providing Yoga training in nepal

Sandeep ji

Vedic Yoga Academy has some esteemed names for Yoga Teacher Training

Vivek ji

Holistic experience

Rejuvenate and rediscover yourself with a wholesome experience

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